“God Remembered Me!!”

“It had been a hard time for us here. I am a skilled carpenter, but who needs these skills in these terribly hard times?? There has been almost no gainful employment for so long, we can’t recall a day without want of basic necessities, scratching for food, the roof leaking down on us during the rains as we try to sleep in our small crowded house and no hope that tomorrow or the days to follow will be any different, no light at the end of the tunnel as we wearily struggle through the darkness. 

We have no land on which to try to grow a garden.  The only way I can see to have food is to grow our own. My father left me some land good for growing a garden but it is many hours of walking from our home here. I can’t take the wife and kids for there is no house there so I must go alone and leave them here with the little I have, then leave a steward to care for the garden while I return home for a time.

So I pack a few things, say goodbye to my family, and pray that God will take care of them till I return.  I set out in hopes to one day have a way to have food in our house once again.

I was away longer than I had hoped. It was more work than I thought to get ready to plant, then wait for the rain to come.  It was a month or more before I was able to return home and I must go empty handed. When I arrived I found my family well but so thin from want of food it broke my heart and made me sad that I had nothing in my hand to give them.

I don’t know how we managed to live during the days that followed. God only knows. One morning I was walking through the little village where we live both despondent and hopeless when I heard a voice call my name.  A friend who had just returned from the city was calling, “Come friend, I have something for you.”

Someone, somewhere was thinking of me though they didn’t know the situation I found myself in,

“Come friend, our friend who left weeks ago has remembered us and sent us money.” To my joy and surprise I was given enough money to live and feed my family for at least a few weeks. God had heard my prayers and answered in an unexpected way that filled my heart with gratitude both to God and to friends far away who had heard the voice of God and remembered me. 

What a joy it was to go home with such Good News, “That God is, and He rewards those that diligently seek Him”. This time with food to fill the empty bellies of those I love. There was a “shout of joy from those within my house.” 

Thank you all for the gift of which you knew not what a life-saving gift it was! “

I had a long talk with this man in March and this is the best I can do to translate his story for you. I must take some license to fill in the gaps as I could.

“A mans wealth is measured by the amount of doors at which his knock brings a shout of joy from within”. – GM

For King and Kingdom!


(There are many families that JUST MERCY helps while we are in Haiti and then by sending funds when we are out of the country, as in this case. Thank you to our donors for making such blessings possible!)

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