A Special Kind of Love….
It takes a special kind of love to come and serve in Haiti!
In the coming weeks, Lord willing, a team from Agape Flights and several friends plan to come to Haiti to work with JUST MERCY. The people of the coastal fishing village of Baiu de Mesle (Bedzimel) started building a place for the church to meet a few years ago and managed to get a foundation in but had to stop due to lack of funds. For the last year, JUST MERCY has been helping them to continue building and it is now ready for a roof!
The team coming the first week include one of our grandsons, Jim from FL, our friend James (who has come to Haiti several times to help) and another friend of his from Chicago. They will be helping us to cut the beams for the church roof on the sawmill on Ile a Vache and transport them over to the mainland.
The second wave of team members come the next week from Agape Flights along with Noel from PTG Industries in FL. The first project will be working on building the roof in Bedzimel. Their time there will include working with and getting to know the local folks and sharing in community meals that we provide. Food is scarce and expensive so it will be a great blessing to all.
That team will also be making the 5 hour grueling hike to the remote and poor mountain village of Janou to bring food and minister to the people in whatever way they can. They will check on the progress of the church that is being built there and seek to facilitate that project moving forward. It is a much harder job to build in Janou as all supplies, concrete, water, sand, etc. have to be hauled up the mountain by people of the village. Therefore progress is much slower but it is coming along!
This building will be a vital part of the village as it will also serve as a school for the children of Janou. Currently they have to walk 3 hours down the mountain and 3 hours back up each day, if they can even afford to go to school. We plan to hire a teacher and use the building as a school.
The people of the village walk 1 1/2 hours to get what water they need to cook, clean, and bathe, hauling it home for another 1 1/2 hours in 5 gallon buckets on their heads or other containers. A large cistern has been built next to the building and when the building is finished, rain water falling on the roof will be collected in the cistern. This will be a great boon to the village!!
We are so excited to have these folks come to serve in Haiti, bringing the love of Jesus and hope for the future to the people in these villages who are certainly among “the least of these”. Please be praying for the health and safety of all who come to serve on these projects and that the people served will know more of Jesus’ love because we are there. Thank you for your prayers and support that make all this possible.
Bill and Janet Montgomery