Of Gangs, Reefs, and a Life Saved!

When Bill came home last February, we had no idea it would be so long till he could return.  Shortly after getting home, the gangs attacked the main airport in Port au Prince and it was closed for some weeks.  For various reasons, here and there, several months went by …

Uniforms and a Nation Collapsing!

When Bill returned to Haiti at the end of December, the demonstrations  and protests were continuing all over the country.  Being able …

Loaves and Fishes

Bill returned to Haiti on December 30th.  Unfortunately, his luggage did not make it to Haiti the same time as he did.  …

Hunger and Desperation

Things in Haiti continue to go downhill.  Hunger is rampant.  Gas at $12/gallon is contributing to the high cost of food. (We …

On the Jericho Road….

Work continued in August and September on the house in Raket.  The roof finally went on, the drain pipe from the roof …