You are here: Home › Photos › December, 2012 December, 2012 [Show as slideshow] Clenol and Nono with Bill and Janet Boxes of gifts from Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child at our base Gifts sacked up and loaded on the truck Mules loaded with the gifts Beauty on the trail The team headed up the mountain on mules Higher and Higher Children waiting for the meal and gifts Precious children Enjoying a meal of rice, beans, and chicken sauce Children eating their meal BIll passed out each gift individually to over 400 children! Happy child with her box Boy with his gift. Children waiting in line for their gifts Adrienne with her worn out PROCLAIMER Danny where we stayed the night Bill holding baby while her mother makes coffee in her kitchen Passing out gifts to neighboring children at our evening host's home Beaming happy children with their gifts Happy little girl with her new doll! 1 2 ► Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ
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