To Mercy from Grandpa

As always the days go by so quickly with so many things to do. I get tired with it all some times and I’m missing the grandchildren growing up!

Our youngest granddaughter, Mercy

Our youngest granddaughter, Mercy

But then I wonder, will little Mercy love her grandfather more or less for all the time he missed?

” And what of Fara, Grandfather. The poor thing. Will she be ok?”

Sara came to JUST MERCY after having a seizure and falling into a fire. She had no other options for medical care.

Fara came to JUST MERCY after having a seizure and falling into a fire. She had no other options for medical care.

“I did what I could, Sweetheart. Lotions for her burns, antibiotics for infection, and medicine for the pain.”

“Don’t forget to check on her!”

“Ok Mercy.”

“Grandfather? Will Christophe and his family have a house soon? I know they get wet each time it rains and it IS the rainy season.”

Christophe and his family in front of their current home. They are trying to build a concrete block home to live in which JUST MERCY is helping with.

Christophe and his family in front of their current home. They are slowly building a concrete block home to live in which JUST MERCY is helping with.

“Yes, sweetheart. The walls are almost finished and we hope to start on the roof soon. You know he works very hard to pay us back and his family has so little food.”

“He is such a good man with a precious family.”

“Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison?”

 I’m pretty sure it was today!!

Notice how they will build a more permanent house around the temporary one.

Notice how they will build a more permanent house around a temporary one.

Yes, I think you will understand, my children, why I was gone so much and love me the more for it.

And for all who have made the sacrifice to help us reach out to those in need, friends, family, neighbors, and all the sons and daughters of the Father of Lights, and most specially my grandchildren, who have yet to know the cost,

I am most humbly grateful.


For King and Kingdom!

Grandfather Bill


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